
Everything that we do is the result of donations from our supporters. Whether they are one-off or regular, big or small, we are always delighted to receive them. It is our policy that every penny donated goes directly to our projects in Malawi.

Standing Orders

Standing orders are particularly useful, as they provide us with the predictable income which enables us to commit to longer-term projects. To support us in this way, please download and complete our Standing Order form.  This form also allows you to Gift Aid your standing order if you are a UK tax payer.

One-Off Donations

You can make a one-off donation by sending a cheque or postal order to:

The Nick Webber Trust, 1 Apple Tree Walk, Climping, West Sussex, BN17 5QN, UK.

To transfer money directly using internet or telephone banking, please use these bank details (PDF)).

If you are making a donation and are a UK tax payer, please complete our one off donation Gift Aid form).

Alternatively, you can donate through Justgiving.

Fundraising For Us

People on a Fun RunWe are always delighted when someone gets sponsorship, organises an event, or in any other way raises funds to benefit the trust.  We have joined JustGiving (paid for by one of our trustees) to make raising funds for us as easy as possible. If you use this, please let us know so that we can thank you. If you would like your supporters to sponsor you by text, please get it touch with us and we’ll set up a code just for you.

If you would like to host a fundraising event to benefit the Trust, that would also be wonderful. Please get in touch if you would like us to help.


The trust periodically holds fundraising events. To hear about the next one, please follow our updates by email, Facebook or Twitter.

People enjoying a sunny garden party

Thank you

The Trust would like to thank everyone who has donated their time, expertise, or money to the Trust, or raised money for us through sponsored runs, sponsored bounces, sponsored cycles, pantomimes, music events, auctions, art sales, football matches, climbing mountains, and more. You are all fantastic.